Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility KA107 Maroc-UIB, 2017-2019: PhD Mobility Grant

In coordinating the ERASMUS+ PARTNER COUNTRIES KA107 programme, the University of the Balearic Islands announces 1 grant to support PhD mobility from University Ibn Zohr – ENCG Agadir, to come to the UIB during the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 academic years, under the framework of the ERASMUS+ Partner Countries programme.

To apply, please click on the following links:

PARTNERS-2nd Call ERASMU KA107 students
Once the application has been completed, applicants must send the following documentation* to

a)A complete copy of their passport.
b)Their academic transcript in English.
c)An official certificate recognizing the language abilities required by the host University.
d)A proposed work plan covering what will be done at the University of the Balearic Islands and a brief CV that includes research work and publications that have been carried out. This document should have a seal of approval from both institutions.
e)Copy of PhD’s registration at the home University.
f)Applicant’s CV explaining in detail research works and publications.
g)A document accrediting the applicant’s social or economic vulnerability and/or exclusion, if applicable.

Application submission: from 26/02/2018 to 25/03/2018
Decision: 09/05/2018
Accept/renounce : 10/05/2018-14/05/2018

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